Best mate at the club?
I’ve probably got two in Mat Sadler and Jermaine Grandison. I travel to training with Mat every day and we get on very well, whereas with Jermaine I have a lot of things in common. We both like the same music and have gone on a few nights out together with the other lads.
Last to buy dinner?
That could easily be me, and if it’s not, then I’m definitely up there. I have to know exactly where my money is going and who is getting it before I get my wallet out!
The FIFA king?
We aren’t a group that really plays computer games, but I know Mat Sadler and Nathaniel Knight-Percival are keen on FIFA, so they must be pretty good at it.
Worst dressed?
There are quite a few contenders, but I would say Jayson Leutwiler. He often comes to training in a lot of brightly- coloured clothing and gets quite a bit of abuse for it.
Dressing room DJ?
It used to be Tyrone Barnett, before he went on loan, and Andy Mangan has probably taken up the mantle now. Tyrone used to play a lot of my kind of music, such as R&B and hip-hop, and Mangs – well, I’m not sure what you call it – it’s not really my type of thing, but the boys seem to like it.
Most skilful?
I can’t decide between Jean-Louis Akpa Akpro and Larnell Cole – they both have some serious skills, so it’s going to have to be a tie.
Late for training?
Jermaine Grandison turns up late on occasions, but there isn’t anyone who is a repeat offender. We are a pretty good group.
Worst cook?
I’m going to put myself up there for worst cook because I never stray from anything that isn’t simple. I just play it very safe with things like pasta.
First on the dance floor?
Jean-Louis Akpa Akpro. He’s a good mover and he loves his music, so he is always the one to get up there and lead the way.
Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party?
I would say our goalkeeper, Mark Halstead, because he loves a drink. He’s a bit wild, anyway, when he’s sober, so imagine what he’s like when he’s got a few in him!
Worst tattoo?
Ian Black has a tattoo of the Scottish flag on the bottom of his back and the word ‘Scotland’ above it. I suppose his patriotic spirit is admirable but the tattoo is truly horrendous.
Never puts the phone down?
Zak Whitbread. He likes a good chat, on or off the phone.
Partial to a sunbed?
Jayson Leutwiler matches his fashion with his pretty-boy image, so he’s always looking a bit bronzed.
Going to make the best manager?
Mat Sadler. He’s into all of that and he’s doing his coaching badges already. He is very sensible, too, so I reckon management will suit him.