Room 101: Josh Wright (Millwall)


I can be OCD about some things – they have got be in the right place and organised a certain way. Like for example my DVDs.

I like to have them alphabetised and if someone takes one out it has to go back in the right place otherwise it will bug me.

My clothes and trainers is another thing, I like them be organised in lines of four. I don’t like mess.

The says: We hear where you’re coming from Josh but we like a house to feel lived in. Your own neuroses are not good enough to get into Room 101 I’m afraid.


PetrolHaving to stop to fill your car up is annoying at the best of times and I don’t enjoy doing it. But if someone has borrowed my car and not filled it up before returning it then that is one of the most annoying things in the world.

It hasn’t happened recently but it used to happen a lot more when I was younger – a member of my family or a friend would borrow my car for a quick run somewhere and leave it empty!

The FLP says: Couldn’t agree more Josh, it’s a lack of respect and it’s going straight in.


Not just in – in any I’m quite competitive and I hate losing. It’s one of the most frustrating, annoying things especially when you don’t deserve to.

You can ask the lads at – I even hate losing games in training and can get annoyed for the rest of the day.

The FLP says: No-one likes losing, we can agree on that, but the wins wouldn’t be as sweet if you didn’t have to go through the losses as well so we can’t put this in.

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