Best mate at the club?
Joe Mason. We’ve been here for four or five years together, and he’s my roomie, too. We watch a lot of things on the laptop while we’re away and go out for food together during the week.
Last to buy dinner?
Stuart O’Keefe. He lost a bet at the end of last season and he had to take all the boys out for dinner, but he’s never done it. The boys have been on his case all season but we still haven’t gone out.
FIFA King?
Peter Whittingham is a bit of a computer geek. He plays a lot at home and he loves it. We don’t have any consoles at the training ground, so I don’t think many people play. Maybe we should get an Xbox or something for the training ground.
Worst dressed?
Bruno Manga has some trainers that light up as he walks. They’re the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. He wears them all the time, despite all the stick he gets from the lads, so fair play to him.
Dressing room DJ?
Craig Noone’s iPod is always on at training. Justin Bieber is getting rinsed a lot at the moment because he’s got a couple of good tracks out, but, to be fair, Noone tries to cater for everyone’s taste. I’m happy to listen to anything, but I do like a bit of R’n’B before a game.
Most skilful?
Fabio has got a bit of skill, for a full-back. He nutmegs people quite regularly in training. He rolls it through your legs when you’re chasing him down and he’s made a few people look silly.
Late for training?
A few of the boys travel quite a distance so if the traffic is bad, they are late quite often. Kenwyne Jones has had a couple of fines recently, and Sammy Ameobi gets in on the dot sometimes. We get fined £200 if we’re late, so I always get in early. I’ve never been late.
Teacher’s pet?
Easy – Lee Peltier. I think he knows it as well. He and the gaffer have quite a good relationship, but the boys give him a bit of stick for it.
Worst cook?
Craig Noone is awful, but that’s just because he doesn’t cook at all. I don’t really know how he survives. I’m not too bad, anything with chicken is fine.
First on the dancefloor?
Sean Morrison has funny moves. He runs from side to side, throwing his head back and forth. You really have to see it to believe it. His moves were out in full force at the Christmas party.
Worst tattoo?
Our new lad, Tony Watt, has a bizarre one on his leg. It’s like a crowd of people, and then he’s just in the crowd. I’ve got a sleeve on my arm, but I’ll leave myself out of this one.
Partial to a sunbed?
One of the young lads, Matty Kennedy, comes in with a bit of a tan sometimes. He’s Scottish, so I don’t know where he gets it from. It’s definitely not natural.
Going to make the best manager?
Lee Peltier or Sean Morrison, because they’re both good speakers. They’re quite loud and that’s what you need to be a manager, so I could see them doing it.