Everything you need to know about Sports Oriented Games

Sports Oriented games require some level of skill and prowess. One of the things that make them even more exciting is their competitive nature.

That is why they are great for spicing up a get together or a camping expedition. Here is everything you need to know about some of these sports-oriented games:

ABC Basketball

Here, the participants sit in a large circle. They then take a basketball and pass it around the said circle while chanting the alphabet. The person who the ball lands at when they reach the letter Z has to go and take a shot at the basket. If they manage to make the shot, they can get back to the circle. If not, they bid adieu to the game. 

All on one side

In this game, all the participants start on one side of a volleyball net. The intent of the game is to get the players to be on the other side of the volleyball net and back as many times as they can. In this game, you use a balloon in place of a ball. The participants volley the balloon to each other and hurry to get under the net to the other side. The last person to touch the balloon throws it over the net and scoots under the net. The players should keep the balloon in play for as long as possible while repeating the process.


Section the players into two groups. Have the participants in the two groups pair up. The game is more of a relay race. This game can happen in a large field or even around a building. The pairs in the groups space themselves in equal distances between the start and finish lines. The moderator will blow up four balloons and give the first pair of each group two balloons each. The first pair has to stand back-to-back with their elbows linked. When the moderator says go, the first pair makes its way to the next one on their team to transfer the balloon. The first group to reach the finish line wins the game. 

Backward Scotsman

All you need in this game are two ping pong balls, one heavy cord, and two small children's brooms. Put the entire group in teams and have the teams stand with one team member behind the other. Each team should use the cord to tie the broom handle to one of their players' waists. With the broom hanging behind the player, the team member has to sway and push their hips forward to move the broom back and forth between his legs. The ping pong ball is between the player's legs, and they have to sweep it with the broom to a set desired finish line. When the player gets to the finish line, they pick the ping pong ball and go back to the starting line to tie the broom onto the next player on the team. The next player repeats the same process. It would be more exciting if there were a way to bet on the winning team as done with online slots. The first team to finish this relay game wins.  

Balloon Relay Race

Put the participants in groups of about ten and line the groups behind a starting line. Place a hula hoop or a cone about 40 feet from each team. Each team has its hula hoop or cone. Blow up a couple of balloons for each team. Have two people from each group stand back-to-back with a balloon between their backs. The two should walk to the hula hoop or cone and go around it, then come back to the starting line without dropping the balloon. When the pair gets back to the starting line, the next one goes and repeats the process. The first group to complete the relay game wins. 

Bombardment Pins

In your playing space, place pop bottles or tenpins in a row. The number of ten pins or pop bottles should be equal to that of the participants. Draw a line across the center of the playing space that divides the playing area. Put the participants in two teams. Each team is to restrict itself to one side of the playing space. The team to start the game throws a ball intending to knock down pins on the opponent's end. The other team blocks the ball with their hands and bodies to protect their pop bottles or tenpins. The winning team is the one that manages to knock down all the opponent's pins.  

Bean Bag Bucket Basketball

The goal of this game is to score as many points as possible. All you need for the game are two buckets, a bean bag, and tape. You will start by putting the participants into two teams of about 5 to 6. Put the buckets some feet apart. The game is more like basketball. You can select the starting team using a coin flip. The players have to toss the bean bags into the bucket from a distance. If the bean bag falls on the ground, it goes to the opposing team to try. If a player has the bean bag and is not confident that they will make the shot, they can pass it to a team member who will try to make a shot. The opposing team can have defenders block the bag without touching the person with the bean bag. The game is best enjoyed in two ten-minute halves.

Wrapping up

You can try these games the next time you are camping or even when meeting with your friends in the backyard. The competitiveness of the game will make them more thrilling.

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