Huge training mistakes made by football players during off-season

Every single
player knows the importance of power, speed, strength and even size for some positions in this game. All football players
work hard but they need to use off-season in order to improve athletic
attributes. While most of the football players have really good intentions,
achieving goals does not happen for most players. Just one training mistake or
a poor choice can derail a workout program.

Off-season football
training is always analyzed by recruiters, coaches and even analysts on sites
like This
is how important off-season training is, so be
sure you avoid the following common mistakes that can easily lead to a lack of

Not Setting Off-season Goals

In many cases football
players just do random workouts during
. Sometimes they go to the gym to put on some extra muscle mass.
In other cases, they keep running during evenings. The problem is that most do
not set off-season goals. Always pick two to three goals and stick to them.
Write them and put them high up on your wall so you see them when you wake up.
Work towards those goals and your career will be better.

Not Training As Often As Needed

First, you need to figure
out why you want to train. What are your goals? Then, you have to put in the
work. Do you train to join a college team? Do you want to be a professional? In
the event that you want to be a professional, you have to train so much more
than just those that do it from time to time. This does include off-season.
Always train around 5 times weekly for at least 1.5 hours. A couple of days off
per week also help.

Not Working On Something Specific

Football players have to
work on technique, speed and ball control. Most of the training needs to be
done with a ball, not without it. The rest can be fitness, which can also be
done with the use of a ball. Remember that it takes weeks in order to get back
in shape in the event that you do not keep working on your fitness. Also, if
you want to reach the level of the professionals
you admire, remember that it takes years of training, including off-season, to
have world-class game vision and first touch.

Not Having A Practice Plan

During football
off-season you absolutely need to have a plan. As you are training, you know
what you have to do. If you do not have the guidance of a coach, you can even
use advice that you find from the internet. There are countless YouTube videos
that offer off-season practice plans. The idea is to know what you have to do
and have every single workout day planned.

What is very important in
training, in general, is to wisely use your time. You have to be creative and
there is nothing wrong in creating your very own practice plan, as long as you
also keep into account what was mentioned above.

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