Football League was formed in 1888 and consisted of 1 division, in which 12
teams played.
the first season (1888/89), the Preston North End team became the champion.
In the second season
(1889/90), it was decided to give teams 2 points when winning, 1 point with a
draw, and not give points for losing. The champion is again Preston North End.
In the third season,
(1890/91), for the first time, a new team came in (instead of the retired
Stock). It was Sunderland which was known at the time as “a team consisting
entirely of talents” and took 7th place.
In the fourth season
(1891/92), there were 14 teams in the league. The winners were Sunderland. The
club called Darwen left the league, 3 new teams have entered the league.
can keep track with all of the latest EFL news by continuing to follow all of
the breaking news on The Football League Paper‘s website
or by visiting the official EFL website: https://www.efl.com/.
In the fifth season
(1892/93), 2 divisions were formed: the first (16 teams) and the second (12
teams). Clubs had to leave the second division not according to some specific
system. It was decided by the clubs themselves. Their place was taken by
strongest amateur clubs. At the end of the season, test matches were held: the
last 3 teams of the first and 3 first teams of the second division fought for
the right to go out or stay in the First Division. The winners, Darwen and
Sheffield United, were elected to the first division, and Newton Heath (now
Manchester United) remained in the first division.
In the 27th season
(1914/15), only Tottenham came out of the first division, which took the last
place. 3 clubs from the second division have entered the first: the first 2 teams
and Arsenal which took 5th place. It was the last season before World War I.
In the 28th season
(1919/20), it was decided to form three divisions from the next season. The
last team of the second division had to go down to the third division. It was
the first season after World War I. The number of teams in the divisions
increased to 22 teams.
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In the 29th season (1920/21),
a very important event occurred in the history of the English Football League.
The third division was born. The team that placed last in the second division
went down to the third, and the champion of the third went to the second
league. In the third division, there were 22 teams, as in the other two.
In the 61st season
(1958/59), the southern and northern sections were converted into the third and
fourth divisions. 13-24 teams in the southern and northern leagues were
collected in one fourth division. In the first and second divisions, there were
22 teams; in the third and fourth, there were 24 teams.
In the 89th season
(1986/87), playoffs got added. The last three teams of the first division went
down to the second, but the team that took the place in front of them goes to
the playoffs with the teams of the second division that took 3-5 places to
fight for a place in the first division. The first 2 teams of the second
division immediately go to the first division. The last 2 teams of the second division
take off for the third; the team that took the place in front of them fights in
the playoffs with the teams of the second division which took 3-5 places in the
second division. The last 3 teams of the third division go into the fourth, and
the first 3 teams of the fourth go to the third division. The team that got the
21st place and the teams that took 4-6 places in the 4th
division are fighting in the playoffs for a place in the third division.
the 94th season (1991/92), one more team had to go down to the division below.
In the 95th season
(1992/93), the English Premier League was formed instead of the first division.
The second division began to be called the first, third became second, and
fourth division became third. In the third division (the former fourth), there
were 22 teams.
the 98th season (1995/96), 2 teams were added to the third division, thus,
making it 24 teams per division.
In the 107th season
(2004/05), the divisions were renamed. As a result, instead of the first
division, the English Football League Championship was created, instead of the
second division – the First Football League, and instead of the third division
– the Second Football League.
changes were implemented since 2005.